robber putty câu
My uncle was a bank robber. I ever tell you that?Chú của tôi từng là cướp ngân hàng, tôi kể chưa nhỉ? His parents killed in an attempt...

Maybe you wonder how Silly Putty picks shit up from comic books.Cũng như cách Silly Putty đã đặt cả cứt vào truyện tranh. Maybe you won...

nightingale the robber
whistled like Nightingale the Robber.Tướng cướp Họa Mi Nightingale The Robber whistled like Nightingale the Robber.Tướng cướp Họa Mi Ni...

glazing putty
On cars, glazing putty is used to fill small scratches and imperfections before painting because it spreads easily, dries quickly and i...

putty knife
Use a putty knife to remove the old putty.Tôi đã sử dụng blowtorch một để loại bỏ putty cũ. Don't you just want to take a putty knife ...